Surgeons' Changing Room Surgeons On Manslaughter Charge
John Mcgillen
You Know, In Years To Come, People Will Find A Way
John Mcgillen
America Insists That Brazil And Europe Plant G.m Crops -
John Mcgillen
Doesn't Seem To Matter How Carefully You Put Them Back
John Mcgillen
I Say We Shoot Anyone Who Claims We Broke The Ceasefire
John Mcgillen
Hearse With A 'doctor On Call' Sign In The Window
John Mcgillen
God At The Job Centre - ...and Then They Perfected Stem
John Mcgillen
And This Is Your Special 'off Duty' Helmet
John Mcgillen
Shrunken Id Strip7 Worm Inside Ed's Head Wondering
John Mcgillen
It's Not That We Don't Think It's Funny, It's Just- Does
John Mcgillen
Tell Me, How Long Have You Been Having These Feelings
John Mcgillen
I Don't Mean To Rush You But
John Mcgillen