I Can't Figure Out Why I Keep Getting Wind Knots
John Troy
Nice Retrieve, Ben. But I'd Like It To Be On The Same Day
John Troy
Elephants Water Diviningdowsing
John Troy
Did Your Shooting Improve Today, Dear
John Troy
That Guy Thinks Like A Fish
John Troy
I Wonder If I Can Write Off His Obedience Training As
John Troy
Whoops, Another Miss - But Who's Counting
John Troy
Leader Shy And Angler Wise I Can Put Up With - It's
John Troy
When Does Squirrel Season Open
John Troy
This Is The Last Time I Sign Up For Your Economy Elephant
John Troy
That's Four Million, One Hundred And Eighty Straight
John Troy
So You Think We Can Get Away With One License This Way
John Troy
Better Fish While You Can, Ben, It Gets A Little Rougher
John Troy
You'll Always Have Trouble With Your Knees, Mr Smith
John Troy
How Long Did You Say It Was 'til Trout Season
John Troy
Irrigation Or Recreation 'you Sould Have Been Here
John Troy
No, No, Ben, You Don't Retrieve These Birds
John Troy
Of Course I Heard You Say 'toucan Live As Cheaply As One'
John Troy
Lets Have A Look At That Duck Call, Al
John Troy
Out To Lunch Sign Hanging On A Palm Tree On A Desert Island
John Troy
What's He Doing That We're Not Doing
John Troy
We're Here To Fish, Ben, Not Spawn
John Troy
And Not Only That, But Air Trapped Between A Retriever's
John Troy
Well, Back To Obedience School
John Troy
Don't You Know Any Other Song Besides 'singing In The Rain'
John Troy
Your Honor, He's Badgering The Witness
John Troy
Your Fly Snapped Off Three Hours Ago, Young Man, But
John Troy
So That's How They Know Which Way North
John Troy
What, Remove Him And Ruin A Perfectly Good Story
John Troy
Guess Who Got The Most Father's Day Cards
John Troy
Oh, C'mon Ben, It Isn't That Bad
John Troy
Chief, I Think Our Drug-sniffing Dogs Need A Vacation
John Troy