It Looks Like I'll Be Able To Recover You 2014-15 Accounts
Karl Dixon
Oh How Nice, I've Just Had A Friend Request From The Butcher
Karl Dixon
We Really Are Going To Have To Do That Sign
Karl Dixon
Wow That Was Quite Some Push Mrs Smith
Karl Dixon
Now I'm Pretty Sure That's Not Supposed To Happen
Karl Dixon
Do You Think This Is One Of Those Moments We'll Look Back
Karl Dixon
Has The Band Been On Yet
Karl Dixon
I Don't Suppose There's Any Point In Asking What Kind
Karl Dixon
I Think You Need To Work On Your Pelvic Floor Exercises
Karl Dixon
The Real Reason For The Hole In The Ozone Layer
Karl Dixon
Tutankhamun's Legal Hieroglyphics
Karl Dixon
He Tripped Over A Pavement Sign That Said 'have You Had An
Karl Dixon
So That's Five Loaves And Two Fishes---do You Want Curly
Karl Dixon
The Trojans Thought Of Everything
Karl Dixon
Noah Suddenly Regrets Using The Ikea Flatpack
Karl Dixon
Ted Knew He Had A Bestseller. Now All He Had To Do Was Fill
Karl Dixon
He's An Asylum Seeker
Karl Dixon
I Daren't Take My Hat Off - If I Do, The Voices In My Head
Karl Dixon
In My Spare Time I'm A Doctor
Karl Dixon
I'd Heard That They Like To Source Their Food Locally
Karl Dixon
First It Kept On Showing Me The Error Code, Then It Said
Karl Dixon
One Minute I'm There - Chewing The Cud - The Next, I Get
Karl Dixon